Completed Micro Grants

Here are some of the completed projects thanks to Microgrants!

1. Lulu gets a sister!  Visitors to the iconic mural of Lulu on her bike, on the corner of Guildercliffe Street and Pingrup Lane, can now see ‘little Lulu’ and benefit from a street library at the same time.  Annie and her husband Kim of Guildercliffe Street have given the community this delightfully painted street library featuring artwork by Lulu’s creator, David Smith. 

2. A great neighbour! Rikki of Northstead St has decorated and installed this lovely street library attached to her front fence. She hopes the library will be used by the local kids and parents that often gather to play and talk on the front verge under the shady street tree.

3. A community herb and bush tucker garden Libby of Herbert St planted a community herb and bush tucker garden on her front verge. She hopes the plants will educate by-passers on bush tucker and that people will smell or even eat the plants

Libby is also passionate about using the garden to teach her daughter Allira about her own heritage. Allira is a Kamilaroi girl, her Dad’s family coming from Tamworth. 

4. A book cart for the kids Susan of Ewen St built this fantastic book cart for the children of the street. Children can push the cart along the street and swap books in the process. The word about
town is that the cart gets plenty of use : )
5. Grow free cart Neighbourhood star Rhiannon built this grow free cart which provides a location for neighbours to share or swap their green produce. Rhiannon puts the cart out most fine weekends at 158 Wilding St for her lucky neighbours.

6. Verge makeover The Doubleview Friends on the Verge held a successful verge planting working bee with plants funded through a micro grant. The crew planted native species on a parcel of vacant land that is slowly evolving into a mini green retreat amidst the houses.