Micro Grants Available

From little things big things grow – Micro grants for the Community!

Update: June 2023. The last Microgrant funds have been allocated and we are looking forward to seeing the final projects and events being completed over the coming months.
If you are still looking for some funding we recommend having a look at the quick grants now available directly from the City of Stirling. They have different levels of grants available, but quick grants of up to $2000 applications will be assessed by the City within 10 business days. Here is the link to information about the different available community grants

Update: 2022. We’re happy to announce a new round of Microgrants due to the support from the City of Stirling. New applications for projects or events can be submitted until the funds are spent!

Update: March 2020. We’re pleased to announce a generous grant from Community Church Scarborough has allowed us to extend the Microgrants project until such time as the funds are spent! We had a great response to the original request, with all funds spent by the cut-off date – so keep those ideas rolling in, Bendites!

What's Been Funded

Check out some of the recent micro-grant activities on the bend.

Micro Grants demonstrates a commitment to support the reinvention of more connected communities and offers funding support to locals who care about something enough to want to do something about the thing they care about. That might be doing something purposeful with and for your neighbours, improving your local surroundings, or running a community event –the possibilities are too many to state. However the over-riding criteria will be that the people care enough to really do whatever ‘it’ might be.

We invite applications for funding until our funds are exhausted! Please first read The-Bend-Micro-Grants-Program-Guidelines and then simply fill in the form below!