Become a member today

Why join The Bend in the Road?
Scarborough Beach Road through Doubleview will be a very different place in 2040 thanks to you. With your guidance and help, it will offer the very best in contemporary built environment design, offering a vibrant mix of high density commercial, residential and community uses that will be attractive to people of diverse backgrounds and abilities. It will incorporate the very best in architecture and the built form to maximise access, safety and pedestrian oriented use, and to simultaneously give rise to commercial success for a wide range of vibrant businesses. It will incorporate art and landscaping to create people oriented space, and it will engage local residents and businesses to embrace opportunity and to truly stake a claim in their neighbourhood. It will be an iconic destination for visitors, and a place that families aspire to live and play.
And it will be the place you played an active role in shaping.
While waiting for development to become a reality your membership will support the Bend in the Road community group to build on what we have now, like the relaxed coastal vibe and growing number of independent small businesses, to create a place that is colourful, quirky and buzzing. These attributes will sow the seed for development that aligns and grows with the visual, social and economic vibrancy of the precinct.
View The Bend in the Road Inc Constitution here
Please note The Bend in the Road Inc has decided to give businesses free choice as to how much they wish to pay for a Business membership, to allow that small and start ups etc or those doing it tough are not compromised and simultaneously that bigger businesses who wish to and can afford to pay more can do so. That is, you can set your own fee – whatever you think fair and affordable.
Business membership will renew automatically regardless of annual fees, in lieu of a donation based payment in subsequent years
Individual membership is offered free (with donations and/or volunteering welcomed!)
To apply, please read the information below then complete and submit the Membership Application form.
- Volunteer and Individual membership: Membership Information
- Business membership: Business @ The Bend Flyer
- Board Members: Board Membership