Free Movie – Top Gun: Maverick
Join us for a free outdoor movie on the 9th of December in collaboration with Folk and Merchant. Make sure you book your free ticket and order some optional food under https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/outdoor-movie-night-top-gun-maverick-tickets-764355256147?aff=erelexpmlt
Free Movie – Top Gun: Maverick
Join us for a free outdoor movie on the 9th of December in collaboration with Folk and Merchant. Make sure you book your free ticket and order some optional food under https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/outdoor-movie-night-top-gun-maverick-tickets-764355256147?aff=erelexpmlt
AGM – Welcome to the New Committee
Welcome to our incoming 2023/2024 Bend in the Road committee and thank you to our 2022/2023 committee! Thank you to all who attended our AGM/sundowner and a massive thank you to @pizzaca_pizzeria_bar for hosting us. If you couldn’t make it […]
AGM 2023
THE BEND IN THE ROAD AGM! Join us at Pizzaca Pizzeria and Bar from 3:30PM on 19 August 2023. AGM formalities start at 3:30PM and we then invite you to join us for a sundowner with drinks and nibbles. If […]
The Bend Sundowner
Keen to meet people in the Doubleview neighbourhood? Interested in connecting with your local community and wondering how you can get involved? Join us for the next Bend Sundowner at @zentrogardenperth at 3PM on Saturday, 17 June 2023!
The Bend Sundowner
SAVE THE DATE! Join The Bend in the Road for a sundowner at @thecornerdairy from 3PM, Saturday 13 May 2023!
Movie Event at Folk and Merchant
Join us for ‘Hop’ the movie at @folkandmerchant on 8 April 2023 from 5pm!
Organic Education
Looking for something to do Tuesday night. Come along to Dunn & Walton and learn about Organics. Details in comments.
Under the Stars
We are very excited to be sponsoring ‘under the stars’ in collaboration with @folkandmerchant – this event features music from @_samcoombes_ @davidlazarus.music – don’t miss your chance to attend!
Garden Micro Grant
Another Bend microgrant project complete! A bird bath, surrounded by bird friendly plants – a great addition, particularly in this heat.